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About us

A mental health support organization

Founded in 1998, the Groupe d’entraide Lachine is a non-profit organization (NPO) offering support and services adapted to adults living with or having experienced mental health problems. Although specialized in this field, the organization is concerned with the well-being of its community and offers help and a listening ear to anyone experiencing difficulties.

Our mission

Breaking isolation

“To support, accompany, educate and provide affordable housing for adults living with or having experienced mental health problems.”

We want to break down isolation and help people regain a sense of belonging to the community. help everyone accept themselves as they are, despite their mental health issues. create a safe, non-judgmental space where people can help each other and feel welcome.

Our team

Our Board of Directors

A special thank you to our donors who make it all possible

Thanks to our partners

Although our main source of funding comes from the Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal-centre, several other financial partners also contribute to our operating budget. Thanks also to Lachine’s elected officials, the provincial deputy and the federal deputy.

Do you have questions?

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the activities, services or resources we offer. You’re always welcome at the Day Center!

Caring begins with your generosity

Your donations enable us to offer a caring space, adapted services and activities to adults living with mental health disorders or experiencing various difficulties.